Saturday, November 1, 2014

Big Kid

Those who know me know that I'm a big kid.  I like to have fun, I like to dress up, and I like to play games, so when Halloween rolls around, I always get excited!  Last year, I celebrated with the Arensons and Browns, and they introduced me to the Island tradition of playing "Trick or Treat, Hide and Seek".  The "adults" would hide in the woods somewhere, and the kids would have to find you in order to get candy.  We would hide in different spots until we all got too hot and sweaty, and retired for a swim in the ocean.  I loved it so much, that even though they weren't here this year to celebrate with me, I carried on the tradition- this time local style.   

I told a few neighbors to come over yesterday evening to celebrate with me, and when 5:00pm rolled around, I had over 30 kids wanting to come in.  They just heard candy was involved, and didn't want to miss out.  I explained to them the rules of our game, and then I left them with a few adults to count to 100 while I found a spot.  Not sure they ever made it to 100, and I'm almost certain they all peeked when I left the gate.  But who cares- we all had a really fun time.  

My first hiding spot wasn't too interesting- I chose a field behind a house being built near mine.  Got some funny looks from some neighbors who didn't know why a white person dressed like a cow was running through the field.  The kids found me quick this time, so I was determined to find a better, less obvious spot.

What's less obvious than the bathroom?  One of my adult neighbors was so into this game, she told me to go hide in her house in the bathroom- that no one would look in there.  While I was waiting, I decided to snap a picture, because, well, what else was I supposed to do to kill time?  She was right.  They seriously could not find me.  I heard them all around the house, asking each other had they seen me yet.  After about 10 minutes in there, I decided to move to a little easier (and less smelly) location, and they were able to find me.

 My third spot was a little scary.  Scary = Halloween, right?  Outside of a neighbor's house, there was a small kitchen with a little side room attached to it where they usually store coal, coconut shells for cooking, and other miscellaneous items.  It was dark in there, so I literally had no idea what was in this room with me, but I found a large sack of coal to sit on and waited for the kids to come.  A few kids found me after only about 5 minutes of looking.  They told me to scoot inside the room a little more so the other kids wouldn't be able to see me, even if they looked inside the room.   When I scooted, I heard a loud squeal from a chicken that I had apparently been sharing the room with, and apparently had stepped on.  Oops!  Scared me to death, so I decided to scoot back to my original spot!

Poor chicken.  I didn't see you.  
(These pics were taken with a flash so you can see, but it was really dark in there)

 After I confessed about squishing the chicken, and was forgiven, we switched up the game.  First was "see how many kids Ginger can pull in the ox cart".   With the help of some kids in the back, we got going faster than I was able to run!  AND we only had two casualties! :)

 We came back to my house and played a few more games before the call to prayer began and we all went on our way.  

Being a kid is so fun, and I don't expect that I will be growing up any time soon.  

Monday, October 6, 2014


This weekend was Eid al-Adha for my friends here.  Just like Eid at the end of Ramadan, it is a four day celebration where people cook and eat a lot, get all dressed up, and go visiting.  I was a little bummed to think that I was missing this fun time with my friends and neighbors on the Little Island, BUT I ended up having such a good time here on the Big Island.  I have some friends here who are from the Little Island, but have either moved here or are here visiting relatives for the holiday.  

Yesterday I went and visited my friend, Raya, and her new husband, Mussa.  We ate delicious pilau, meat, and lots of sweets, then went visiting.  After visiting every living relative she has (that's what it felt like haha), we went to a brand new "playground" in town.  This is not your ordinary playground- this is like a full blown fair (minus the funnel cakes- which I was bummed about)!  It was SO MUCH fun!  I still have my bush goggles on, so I was like a little kid at Disney World!  There is nothing remotely close to this on the Little Island.  And from what I hear and have seen, this isn't the norm here either.  

From the moment I walked in, I was dying to go on the ferris wheel.  They agreed to go with me, which I was pumped about.  Until we got on.  I have never been so scared.  I started thinking about who put that thing together, and how there probably aren't any regulations regarding the safety conditions of these rides.  I really couldn't look down.  It was moving so slow, but the wind was blowing so hard we were rocking back and forth a lot.  I seriously was such a baby, and just wanted it to end.  When we landed, I told the guy who opens the door for you that I was so scared the whole time, and he shut the door and told me I was going again!  Haha He then let me out, and I finally stopped shaking. What a baby- I know.  It was fun, but a little scary.  I'll choose a ride a little closer to the ground next time.  
Raya and Me on our way to the playground/amusement park/fair thing. 
This thing was awesome!  It's like a roller coaster except you have to pedal to get your car to go!  It was so funny to watch because some younger kids were pedaling and got tired and caused a 10 car pile up.  The cars in the back ended up pushing the front car along.
Teacups.  Always a good choice.  Except after eating a lot of food.
 This is Raya and her husband.  My friends are starting to love selfies.  Or at least tolerate them.
Here it is.  Looks so pretty and nice, right?  Don't be fooled.  Been there, done that.
On the ferris wheel about to leave the ground.  The only time I smiled until we exited that little cage.
This is our "we are scared" face- I clearly was more scared than she was.  We were playing, but this is really how I felt.
I tried to look at the beautiful Island on the way up, but was just too afraid.
I love them.  They are happy newlyweds, and just found out two days ago they are going to be new parents in 9 months.  They are really excited, as am I!  I love babies.

Today, I went and visited one of my students from my school on the Little Island, Sauda.  Her mom and siblings live here, and she's here visiting until we open our school again.  She invited me over to visit their home today and meet all of her family.
 Sauda and her nephew, Yahya.  He was afraid of me at first, but loved me by the end.  Story of my life here- I make kids cry daily.  They just aren't used to seeing us crazy white folk.  I'm a little extra crazy, so I don't blame them.
 Another one of her nephews!  He was such a happy baby, but not in this picture.  
 I love the way the little girls dress up and wear so much make-up here for Eid!
 Beautiful girls.
 What a stud.  Sauda's youngest brother looking sharp.
This is Sauda's oldest sister (first of 10 kids).  She is really pregnant and was laying on the mat, but requested a picture.  She couldn't get up, so we did a floor selfie.  

These friends are great.  I am so blessed.  I really really am.  
I'm a big fan of Eid- or really life in Africa in general- and love that God has me here. 

Monday, September 29, 2014

I'm Back!

I'm back on the blog! For real this time.  I really am going to try to be better about keeping you up to date with what's going on here.  For those of you who use Instagram, I have been uploading pics there, and welcome you to follow me if you are interested in seeing more day to day happenings. 

I made a temporary move back to the Big Island for the next three months.  I arrived here on Saturday evening and am looking forward to some time to plan, and some good time of fellowship with other friends that live here.  I will be using these months to plan a curriculum to use with the English teachers in the local schools.   I know I have shared before that school (high school) here is supposed to be taught completely in English, and all of their textbooks and tests (exams to graduate high school) are all in English.  The passing rate is so low because very few teachers know English, which means they are unable to adequately prepare the students.  By focusing on teaching teachers in a way that is reproducible, I believe it can have a bigger effect on the community.  
I will also be working on a curriculum to teach English to some locals who are working at the hotels.  As tourism continues to grow on our Little Island, the need for the locals to learn English to communicate with tourists is also huge.  I had a meeting with one of the big hotels on our Island, and am planning on running a course for them starting in January. 

Here's a little about the two weeks leading up to my move here on Saturday!

I finished up my computer and English courses two weeks ago, and officially closed our school until January.  Most of my students will be continuing to study at our school in the new year, which I'm really excited about!  I have grown to really enjoy each of them, and they are becoming more comfortable with one another and more willing to try to speak (which is a GREAT thing!).   Here are some of their smiling faces!
This is my best computer student and good friend, Sauda.  I am hoping to train her to teach the Pamoja computer courses in the new year, which will free me up to spend more time in the local school.
(Sauda's certificate is upside down haha)

After classes finished, I spent a little time cleaning and re-organizing our school.  Tables were painted, spiderwebs were taken down, folders were organized, computers were cleaned, and doors were locked!   

I also spent last week soaking up some neighbor and friend time!  I love teaching at our school, and I have built awesome relationships there, but I also really enjoy time off when I don't have a mandatory schedule to follow.  I get to spend as much of the day as I want sitting and talking with my neighbors, teaching them to play new games, learning new games from them, watching movies, and taking them on little adventures.  Here are a few pics I snapped over the week:
I love this picture, but I am feeling a little guilty because he was so focused on me taking this picture that he dumped all of his food on the floor on accident.  But then he picked it up and ate it anyway without a second thought, so I guess I shouldn't feel too bad.
 This little one loves to ride his scooter around bare bottom.
And this little one likes to ride around town in the basket of her dad's bicycle.
I have been doing Insanity workouts with my neighbor Salma every morning, and one morning her two little boys came and joined us.  If I could set up a hidden camera and record how ridiculous we look (her more than me, of course) when we try to follow the exercises that Shaun T does, you would appreciate it.  
I'm obsessed with this little girl, Musda.  She is absolutely beautiful, and if she didn't have really great parents, I would consider stealing her.  :)
Some of my neighbors had NEVER been to the beach.  I could not believe they have lived on this beautiful Island their entire lives, and have never seen the incredible ocean our God created.  Last Thursday we packed a picnic and headed north.  Our first stop was the lighthouse!  They were scared (and to be honest I get a little nervous every time I go up that thing- its very tall, very narrow, and very old), but we made it and the view was breathtaking.   Then we drove to the local beach where the kids played in the sand, swam in the ocean, and chased crabs around for hours.
 Musda loved it!  Anywhere she can get dirty, she loves.
 Achmedi was so cold, he was shivering.  (Even though it's 90 degrees) I took a pic rather than getting him a towel.  I'm a good friend, eh?  He was too cute!
 Ramla even went in for a little dip.
I got to spend some time with Hamida and Salum.  We enjoyed a nice lunch at the one restaurant on the Island in the big city.
Then on Saturday morning I picked up Shannon from the airport on the Little Island!  She hopped over to visit for a few hours, then we caught the afternoon flight back to the Big Island together.  I am really excited to have them back in Africa!
Selfie before the flight
 In the middle of the flight I looked forward to see our pilot with his head down.  I am pretty sure he was asleep for about 5 min. Haha  I was ready to jump in the co-pilot seat and land that baby.  No worries, though, he woke up and got us there safe.  AND there were 3 beautiful little girls waiting for us!
I got to spend the evening with these beauts and their parents before they were off to the mainland on Sunday morning.  I have really missed having them around, and am looking forward to some more time together soon!
Bray beat me in checkers because she makes up new rules. I'm a sucker for cute kids, though, so I let it slide :)

It's good to be back on the blog, and for a time, it is good to be back on the Big Island.  Looking forward to a good 3 months of planning and of course, fun!